There are four domains that have the greatest potential for stimulating the mind to wire the brain for creativity:
The first is profession-based experiential learning. This domain has been experimented with a lot in education. It is exemplified by the national CAPS Network. More in-depth information on this at:
The second domain has been known for millennia. It’s the domain that every child naturally, intuitively, emotionally and physically desires to engage in. This is the domain of dancing, singing, drawing, acting/pretending and making music. The result of this engagement has the mind wiring the brain for creativity, which is especially critical and impactful on a child’s brain that is still mailable. In the last few centuries this domain has been termed as ‘the arts’. But in the coming age of AI, this domain will become better understood as one of the most powerful platforms to stimulate the mind to wire the brain for creativity. But within this domain, one discipline is the most powerful in this function. This discipline is the engagement in music training on an acoustic instrument. More in-depth information on this at:
The third domain is the engagement with ideas and problem solving. In contrast, this domain has been shrouded in ambiguity. Throughout history, this domain was only truly understood by a very small percentage of individuals within society who were the breakthrough innovators in their specific fields. In this domain, breakthrough innovators naturally and instinctively understood how they could use questions to intentionally access new information from their mind components to generate new ideas and problem solve. Philosophers and scientist have defined that powerful cognitive process as doing ‘thought experiments’. Now this powerful process has been unmasked and developed into a free 90-minute online course called the ITP, which stands for Innovative Thinking Process. More in-depth information on this at:
The fourth domain is team-oriented computer gaming. This develops the mind’s abilities for spontaneous decision-making and collaboration. Students (young to old) engaged in this domain would learn by playing random new computer games that they don’t know the rules to, along with teaming up with random new players. Fun and struggle are co-mingled in this process as teams are thrown together to try and to figure out rules and navigate a successful strategy for each new game (i.e Work The Problem). This is a process of continually exposing the mind to the experience of adapting to changing environments at multiple low levels (i.e. Controlled Adversity). Learning to ‘work the problem’ under ‘controlled adversity’ is the cornerstone to developing a skill to succeed in any future adversity of constantly changing real-life opportunity and high-level threat environments. This domain of team-oriented computer gaming is currently being implemented in the Elon Musk launched schools of Synthesis. More in-depth information on this at: